Wednesday, November 4, 2009


The littlest things will set you off. The train this morning? Full.
The wierd wet spot on my Andy bag? Not going away. Life's unfortunate
inconveniences set the voice into action, 'See!? Life is bullshit! We
need a cigarette!'

This follows a night of crazy dreams. Dreams of building exercise
pools for big black men in wheelchairs. Scenes of underwater
interviews of the men who have been sent to assist. Moments of
pleasant surprise at the realization that those new underwater
microphones were going to work well.

If you're ever on the train while people are standing and you're
taking a whole seat to yourself, putting your feet up on the seat in
front of you, fuck off. Seriously. You're a fucking prick. Little old
ladies are standing, you fucking bag of dicks. I'm about to come over
and wipe that smug look off your motherfucking face. Oh, and...Nice
shoes, asshole. Did your boyfriend find those in the dollar bin at

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