Tuesday, November 26, 2013

This shit might actually work

My feels are running rampant these days so I'm going to take a stab at writing a few things. Simple observations, really. Like the dude in front of you at the ATM. What, are you.. refinancing your MORTGAGE? Move it along!


Working in academia rocks. I close my door to cry and am told how great it is that I 'take care of myself'. There is a wave of awareness crashing down on large organizations. Well, perhaps awareness is too strong a word for what amounts to buzz and buy in around WELLNESS. The dope thing about this shit is that anyone can practice WELLNESS in their own way and the outsider has very little room for critique. How are you going to hate on someone who takes a walk every afternoon in the name of wellness?

Fishnets and a maxi mini? WELLNESS
Burger King and a marb light? WELLNESS

Keep up that WELLNESS, Murrica.

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